When: Thu, January 22, 2009, 11am – 12pm
Join Dr. Linda Warren, from Bainbridge Pediatrics, and Catherine Whiting, Occupational Therapist, as they share ideas about helping toddlers become healthy eaters. Catherine Whiting will share ideas from over 25 years experience as a pediatric occupational therapist specializing in how sensory processing issues affect eating and feeding skills. Dr. Warren will discuss ideas from the book How to Get Your Kid to Eat... But Not Too Much by Ellyn Satter. Kids are welcome and can play and explore the Under the Sea exhibit while adults can share ideas and learn about Satters "Golden Rule" of parenting. This is a part of the MiniMu Thursdays program, now hosted at the Museum on a regular schedule. Each month KiDiMu will try to bring in a Pediatric Specialist on different topics of interests to parents of toddlers. Complimentary coffee available to parents and caregivers. Free with admission or membership and for infants under 1. Info: 206.855.4650 or www.kidimu.org